Terms and Conditions

Company Name - Ready 2 go travel

Company Number - 15417390

Trading name - Ready 2 go travel

Registered Address - 44 Burlington Close, Pinner HA5 2TP

1. Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions govern the contract between you and us to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions save for those implied by law, and no variation to these terms and conditions shall be valid unless in writing and signed by you and the company director.

2. Formation of Contract

No contract shall arise between you and us until we have received the deposit payable and we have sent to you written confirmation (This can be in the form of an email) of our acceptance of your booking.

3. Lead Name

The lead name on any booking with us accepts the full responsibility of collecting the full balance payable for the booking and indemnifies “Ready 2 go travel” against any loss from any individual failing to pay within your group. The lead name of the group is also responsible for ensuring that all group members are aware they are bound by our terms and conditions. The lead name is also responsible for the completion of the online guest list on behalf of all persons on the booking. It is understood that those booking via email or telephone agree to, and accept our terms and conditions.

4. Payment & Deposits

Deposits are payable at the time of booking and the balance of payments are split into the following phases: payment details The payment for deposit will be 25% of bookings, then balance of next payment will be 60 days before the travel date and supplier gets the 30 days around the customer's travel date. Payments can be made with a valid Credit Card or Debit Card, made payable to “Ready 2 go travel” where upon receipt we will endeavour to place the booking for you at the same price, although this cannot be guaranteed. We will however notify you should there be an increase in price.

5. Financial Protection

[Ready 2 go travel] is a company committed to customer satisfaction and consumer financial protection. We are therefore pleased to announce that, at no extra cost to you, and in accordance with ''The Package Travel, Package Regulations'' all passengers booking with [Ready 2 go travel] are fully insured for the initial deposit, and subsequently the balance of monies paid as detailed in your booking confirmation form. Your money is fully protected and is held within an independent Trust Account, managed by Protected Trust Services Ltd of 307-315 Holdenhurst Rd, Boscombe, Bournemouth BH8 8BX and its Trustees, chartered accountants - Elman Wall Ltd of 8th Floor, Becket House, 36 Old Jewry, London EC2R 8DD.

6. Cancellation by Us

We may cancel the event or any part of it: for safety reasons if we or our supplier(s) regard adverse weather conditions or other safety concerns as unacceptable and which cannot reasonably be overcome; If we reasonably believe that you may cause harm or damage to our reputation or to the reputation of our suppliers or to property belonging to our suppliers; If a supplier or suppliers are unable to host the event for any reason; If changes you wish to make to the booking mean it is uneconomical or impractical to hold the event. If we cancel the whole of the event we shall use our best endeavours to rearrange the event on a mutually convenient date, or provide a refund to you of the cost to us of the event. Save as above we shall be under no further liability to you for cancellation of the event or any part of it.

7. Cancellation by You

You may cancel your booking within a period of 14 Days after the initial deposit however this initial deposit is non-refundable. After 14 Days you may cancel your booking however all deposits and (if applicable) any additional payments made to date on the booking are non-refundable. All cancellations must be made in writing from the lead name on the booking. After 7 Days the amount of the cancellation fee is calculated according to the date on which we receive written notice of your wish to cancel. If you cancel with us more than Three Weeks in advance of the travel date then the cancellation fee is a minimum of 35% the total booking cost, or the total amount paid to us at that time on the booking. If you cancel with us within one week of the travel date then the cancellation fee is 100% of the total cost of the booking.

8. Failure to Provide an Event

If, due to reasons beyond our control, an event is unable to take place due to (but without limitation); closure of premises, the ceases of trading, a change in supplier management, weather restrictions, we will provide you and your group with an alternative event and if this is does not prove possible, a refund to you of the cost to us of the event.

9. Accommodation

If your booking includes accommodation, the named accommodation will remain confidential to “Ready 2 go travel” and only be disclosed to you upon receipt of the completed secondary deposit and written confirmation from the supplier.

10. Customer Feedback

If you have a problem whilst on your booking then you must contact the appropriate person(s) at the earliest opportunity. Unless there is a valid reason why you did not report your problem to the appropriate person(s), we will not consider ourselves liable for those complaints. If they are unable to resolve matters to your satisfaction then you must write to us within 7 days of the conclusion of the event. No complaint will be accepted outside of this time frame thus deeming you fully satisfied with all aspects of the event and the services we have provided to you. We will acknowledge any correspondence within 5 working days and endeavour to deal with the complaint as quickly as possible.

11. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999

No part of this agreement shall confer on any third party any benefit or right to enforce any terms of this agreement.

12. Jurisdiction

This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any disputes arising between you and us or our suppliers.

13. Changes to these Terms and Conditions

We may need to make changes to these terms and conditions. Any changes can only be made by us and not any third party member. We reserve the right to amend or improve these terms and conditions without prior notification. When it is necessary for changes to be made, we will forward you a copy of these changes and all reservations will abide

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